This term is used in Dutch architectural history
between 1925 and 1940, but was never clearly defined. It is not as much a arch itectural style as more new way of organising
construction, meeting new
demands for demographic and economic scale. Its supporters held the opinion that
traditional construction methods could never keep up with increasing demand for
new housing. Functionalism, standardasation and economies of scale were key
words. Their solutions were pretty radical. The workers house should no longer
be a derivative of the bourgeois villa, but something entirely new.
Funtionalists aimed at collective structures, with emphasis on practical
lay-outs, comfort and light, in which gardens were traded in for collective
facilities like parks, squares and roof gardens. Direct confrontation with the
street disappeared and was replaced with a connection with nature and sunlight,
by using big windows. Concrete and steel were used to lift the strucures from
the ground.
Functionalist architects were mainly influenced
by Bauhaus and LeCorbusier and united in groups like ‘de 8 en Opbouw’ (named after their
magazines with those names). Important representatives were. J.A. Brinkman, B.
Bijvoe t, J. Duiker, L.C. van der
Vlugt, W. van Tijen, J.J. van Loghem and J.J.P.
Rotterdam has many buildings in the
functionalist tradition. Already before the war experiments were done. This can
be seen in residential projects like Kiefhoek and Witte Dorp by Oud, the Van
Nelle factory by Brinkman and Van der Vlugt and the Bergpolder appartment
building (1934, first gallery flat in the Netherlands) by Van Tijen,
Brinkman & Van der Vlugt. Rotterdam also has a number of villa's by these
architects (in Kralingen and near the Museum Park like Villa Sonneveld). After
the war the functionalists had their days of glory to put their ideas in to
action. .
Contrary to the pre-war functionalism now a large variety of materiel and forms
is used. Most famous example is the Lijnbaan shopping area (Van de
Broek en Bakema), the blocks of flats alongside it (Maaskant) en lots of housing
projects in the inner city, Kralingen and on the South Side..