Wednesday 8 September 1999 Apart from the Cathedral the Alcazar is Seville's
main attraction. This Moorish palace is one of the largest in its kind At night we continue our scan of the gay scene Now it is time to look at the venues around the Alameda de Hercules square. Thursday 9 September 1999
Friday 10 September 1999 After the luxurious breakfast
buffet we say goodbye to Carmona and make for Córdoba. We find a hotel in the
middle of the old town near the Mezquita, Córdoba's major sight. The Mezquita
was once of the most important Moorish mosques in Spain. Córdoba was for quite
some time the capital of the western Caliphate (Baghdad of the Eastern). The
Mezquita is an impressive building and in spite of the crowds pleasant to walk
around in. After the reconquest on the Moors the Mezquita underwent some heavy
alterations and was converted into a cathedral. Even so the Islamic roots of the
place are clearly visible. Even the In the late afternoon we do some walking in Cordoba's old town. Part of the city walls is still in tact. There also a synagogue, one of three in Spain that survived the Inquisition (the other two are in Toledo). We also have a peek in the Callejon de los Flores, the flower alley, a popular object for wedding photographers. At night we go to a flamenco show at the tabloa
"El Cardenal". It is, we're told, the best Saturday 11 September 1999 Today we tour around the Campiña Cordobesa, the wine district south of Córdoba. Our first stop is at Montemayor a small village on a hill. We carry on to La Rambla, where a lot of ceramics is being produced. Montilla is the centre of the Montilla industry. Montilla is like sherry a fortified wine. For a long time Montilla wines were marketed as cheap type of sherry. an image the industry has had great difficulty shaking off.. Montilla itself is a little attractive town. The Alvear bodega is unfortunately closed on Saturdays. We move on to Aguilar, where we have lunch. Then we drive onto Lucena. A bit south of Lucena is a mountain with a baroque church on top: Sanctuario de la Virgen de Araceli. The road up is narrow and winding, but the views are very rewarding. The church is frequented by devout people from all directions. In the shop next to the church all thinkable an unthinkable trinkets with the image of the virgin Mary are on display. From ash tray to bed side lamp. We drive back to Córdoba. At night we stroll around the modern part of Cordoba. The Plaza de Tendillas is the centre of it. Not a very beautiful square, but a good vantage point for watching the Cordobese, on their evening parade. Hardly any tourists here, who stick to the area around the Mezquita. We have dinner at Rincón de Chico Medina. After the enourmous salad that serves as a starter I get a huge leg of lamb. The waiter is genuinely surprised when I can not eat it all. |
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